

  1. Closer Look: Open Journal Club in Biomechanics. Bi-component T2 mapping correlates with articular cartilage material properties.  March 2021.
  2. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering and Sciences.  Cartilage fracture: mechanics and mechanobiology. December 2020.
  3. ORS 2022 Poster Presentation.  February 2022.
  4. ORS 2023 Poster Presentation “Subchondral Bone Adaptation in Thoroughbred Racehorses Protects Sites of Fatigue Injury in The Distal End of The Cannon Bone From Elevated Stress”, February 2023.
  5. ORS 2023 Poster Presentation “Subchondral Bone Injury Of The Distal End Of The Cannon Bone In Thoroughbred Racehorses Exacerbates Strain Concentration In A Site-specific Manner”, February 2023.
  6. ORS 2023 Poster Presentation “Regional Differences Of Porcine Articular Cartilage Failure Properties”, February 2023.
  7. ORS 2024 Poster Presentation “Oxygen Tension Alters Cartilage Redox Balance in Response to Traumatic Impact”, February 2024.

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Irandoust S, Whitton RC, Muir P, Henak CRSubchondral bone fatigue injury in the parasagittal condylar grooves of the third metacarpal bone in thoroughbred racehorses elevates site-specific strain concentration; Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2024.
  2. Chelstrom BP, Chawla D, Henak CR: Failure in articular cartilage: Finite element predictions of stress, strain, and pressure under micro-indentation induced fracture. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2024.
  3. Hower CH, Minaev AA, Amundson LA, Crenshaw TD, Henak CR: Effect of Mineral Diets on the Development of Cartilage Material Properties. Journal of Biomechanics, 2023.
  4. Soukup JW, Jeffrey J, Drizin SR, Hetzel SJ, Stone DS, Eriten M, Ploeg H, Henak CR: Correlation of mineral density and elastic modulus of dog dentin using u-CT and nanoindentation. Journal of Biomechanics, 2023.
  5. Soukup JW, Jeffrey J, Hetzel SJ, Ploeg H, Henak CR: Morphological quantification of the maxillary canine tooth in the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris).  Annals of Anatomy, 2022.
  6. Yerrapragada Y, Chawla D, Henak CR, Eriten M: Fracture-Induced Acoustic Emissions in Gelatin. Experimental Mechanics, 2022.
  7. Wang J, Kokinos BP, Lang PJ, Crenshaw TD, Henak CR: Vitamin D deficiency and anatomical region alters porcine growth plate properties. Journal Biomechanics, 2022.
  8. Chawla D, Eriten M, Henak CR: Effect of osmolarity and displacement rate on cartilage microfracture clusters failure into two regimes. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2022.
  9. Soukup JW, Hetzel SJ, Stone DS, Eriten M, Ploeg H, Henak CR: Structure-function relationships in dog dentin. Journal of Biomechanics, 2022.
  10. Hwang J, Chawla D, Han G, Eriten M, Henak CR: Effects of solvent osmolarity and viscosity on cartilage energy dissipation under high-frequency loading. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2021.
  11. Walsh SK, Soni RP, Arendt LM, Skala MC, Henak CR:Maturation- and degeneration-dependent articular cartilage metabolism via optical redox ratio imaging. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2021.
  12. Chawla D, Han G, Eriten M, Henak CR: Microindentation Technique to Create Localized Cartilage Microfractures. Current Protocols, 2021.
  13. Jambor AN, Shelton EM, Kijowski R, Henak CR, Campagnola PJ: Assessing collagen alterations in enzymatic degradation models of osteoarthritis via second harmonic generation microscopy. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2021.
  14. Han G, Chowdhury U, Eriten M, Henak CR: Relaxation capacity of cartilage is a crticial factor in rate- and integrity-dependent fracture.  Scientific Reports, 2021.
  15. Grondin MM, Liu F, Vignos MF, Samsonov A, Li W, Kijowski R, Henak CR: Bi-component T2 mapping correlates with articular cartilage material properties.  J Biomechanics, 2021.
  16. Walsh SK, Shelley JC, Henak CR:  Mechanobiology of cartilage impact via real-time imaging.  Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
  17. Han G, Boz U, Eriten M, Henak CR: Glycosaminoglycan depletion increases energy dissipation in articular cartilage under high-frequency loading.  Accepted to Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2020.
  18. Walsh SK, Schneider SE, Amundson LA, Neu CP, Henak CR: Maturity-dependent cartilage cell plasticity and sensitivity to external perturbation.  Accepted to Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2020. 
  19. Muench JR, Thelen DG, Henak CR:  Interfibrillar shear behavior is altered in aging tendon fascicles. Accepted to Biomechancs and Modeling in Mechanobiology.
  20. Han G, Eriten M, Henak CR:  Rate-dependent adhesion of cartilage and its relation to relaxation mechanisms.  Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2019.
  21. Walsh SK, Skala MC, Henak CR:  Real-Time Optical Redox Imaging of Cartilage Metabolic Response to Mechanical Loading.  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2019.
  22. Wesseling M, Van Rossom S, Jonkers I, Henak CR:  Subject-specific geometry affects acetabular contact pressure during gait more than subject-specific loading patterns.  Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019 Dec; 22(16):1323-1333.
  23. Vazquez KV, Andreae JT, Henak CR:  Cartialge-on-cartilage cyclic loading induces mechanical and structural damage.  Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2019.
  24. Boys AJ, Kunitake JAMR, Henak CR, Cohen I, Estroff LA, Bonassar LJ:  Understanding the stiff-to-compliant transition of the meniscal attachments by spatial correlation of composition, structure, mechancis. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019.
  25. Han G, Eriten M, Henak CR:  Rate-dependent crack nucleation in cartilage under microindentation.  Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2019.
  26. Han G, Hess C, Eriten M, Henak CR:  Uncoupled poroelastic and intrinsic viscoelastic dissipation in cartilage.  Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2018.   Accepted manuscript:  han_2018_jmbbm-accepted-manuscript
  27. Henak CR, Bartell LR, Cohen I, Bonassar LJ:  Multi-scale strain as a predictor of impact-induced fissuring in articular cartilage.  Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 2016.
  28. Henak CR, Ross KA, Bonnevie ED, Fortier LA, Cohen I, Kennedy JG, Bonassar LJ:  Human talar and femoral cartilage have distinct mechanical properties near the articular surface.  Journal of Biomechanics 2016, 3;49(14):3320-3327.
  29. Henak CR, Abraham CL, Peters CL, Sanders RK, Weiss JA, Anderson AE:  Computed tomography arthrography with traction in the human hip for three-dimensional reconstruction of cartilage and the acetabular labrum.  Clinical Radiology 2014, 69(10):e381-91.
  30. Henak CR, Abraham CL, Anderson AE, Maas SA, Ellis BJ, Peters CL, Weiss JA:  Patient-specific analysis of cartilage and labrum mechanics in human hips with acetabular dysplasia.  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2014, 22(2):210-7.
  31. Henak CR, Ateshian GA, Weiss JA:  Finite element prediction of transchondral stress and strain in the human hip. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 2014, 136(2).
  32. Henak CR, Kapron AL, Anderson AE, Ellis BJ, Maas SA, Weiss JA:  Specimen-specific predictions of contact stress under physiological loading in the human hip:  validation and sensitivity studies.  Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 2014, 13(2):387-400.
  33. Henak CR, Carruth ED, Anderson AE, Harris MD, Ellis BJ, Peters CL, Weiss JA:  Finite element predictions of cartilage contact mechanics in hips with retroverted acetabula.  Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2013, 21(10):1522-9.
  34. Rudert MJ, Ellis BJ, Henak CR, Stroud NJ, Pedersen DR, Weiss JA, Brown TD:  A new sensor for measurement of dynamic contact stress in the hip.  Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 2014, 136(3).
  35. Gustafson JA, Price RA, Frandsen J, Henak CR, Cappello J, Ghandehari H:  Synthesis and characterization of a matrix-metalloproteinase responsive silk-elastinlike protein polymer.  Biomacromolecules 2013, 14(3):618-25.
  36. Harris MD, Anderson AE, Henak CR, Ellis BJ, Peters CL, Weiss JA:  Finite element prediction of cartilage contact stresses in normal human hips.  Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2012, 30(7):1133-9.
  37. Henak CR, Ellis BJ, Harris MD, Anderson AE, Weiss JA:  Role of the acetabular labrum in load support across the hip joint.  Journal of Biomechanics 2011, 44(12): 2201-6.
  38. Adams CR, Baldwin MA, Laz PJ, Rullkoetter PJ, Langenderfer, JE:  Effects of rotator cuff tear on muscle moment arms: a computational study.  Journal of Biomechanics 2007, 40(15):3373-80.


  1. Ateshian GA, Henak CR, Weiss JA:  Toward patient-specific articular contact mechanics.  Journal of Biomechanics 2015, 48(5):779-86. 
  2. Henak CR, Anderson AE, Weiss JA:  Subject-specific analysis of joint contact mechanics:  application to the study of osteoarthritis and surgical planning.  Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 2013, 135(2).

 Technical Report

 Maas SA, Ellis BJ, Rawlins DS, Edgar LT, Henak CR, Weiss JA:  Implementation and verification of a nodally-integrated tetrahedral element in FEBio.  SCI Technical Report, University of Utah, UUSCI-20011-007, 2011.

 Peer-Reviewed Abstracts

  1. Wang J, Scheidt GS, Henak CR: Correlation Between Loading-Induced Changes in Optical Redox Metrics and Mitochondrial Depolarization Varies by Strain Rate and Cartilage Zone. 2024 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C2024), June 2024.
  2. Chelstrom BP, Henak CR: Method for Extracting Intact Skull-Brain Samples for Ex-Vivo Mechanical Testing. 2024 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C2024), June 2024.
  3. Wang J, Scheidt GE, Henak CR: Oxygen Tension Alters Cartilage Redox Balance in Response to Traumatic Impact. 70th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2024.
  4. Irandoust S, Henak CR, Muir P: Sensitivity of Subchondral Bone Strain to Softening in Osteolytic and Sclerotic Regions: A Finite Element Study of a Thoroughbred Racehorse with Extensive Adaptive Structural Change and Fatigue Damage. 70th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2024.
  5. Alesch ZL, Henak CR: Porcine Cartilage Interface Shear Stress with Four Weeks of Physioxic Culture. 70th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2024.
  6. Irandoust S, Stevenson CM, Franseen FM, Whitton C, Henak CR, Muir P: Subchondral Bone Adaptation in Thoroughbred Racehorses Protects Sites of Fatigue Injury in The Distal End of The Cannon Bone From Elevated Stress. 69th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2023.
  7. Irandoust S, McCoy EP, Stevenson CM, Franseen FM, Roth JD, Whitton C, Henak CR, Muir P: Subchondral Bone Injury Of The Distal End Of The Cannon Bone In Thoroughbred Racehorses Exacerbates Strain Concentration In A Site-specific Manner. 69th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2023.
  8. Hall JR, Wang J, Thao AK, Kokinos BP, Crenshaw TD, Henak CR: Regional Differences Of Porcine Articular Cartilage Failure Properties. 69th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2023.
  9. Soni RP, Wang J, Skala MC, Coleman MC, Henak CR: Developing Optical Redox Imaging for Diagnosis and Treatment Evaluation of Osteoarthritis and Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis: Effects of Oxygen Tension and Glucose Availability. Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), September 2022.
  10. Chawla D, Han G, Eriten M, Henak CR: Rate dependence in cartilage fracture initiation and extension. World Congress of Biomechanics, July 2022.
  11. Soni RP, Hower CC, Skala MC, Coleman MC, Henak CR: The effects of hypoxia on the oxidative-reductive status of porcine articular cartilage. 68th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2022.
  12. Pernsteiner AN, Winsor C, Ploeg H, Henak CR: Machine Learning Segmentation For Densitometric Phantom CT Data. 2021 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C2021).
  13. Chawla D, Han G, Eriten M, Henak CR: Transition from Stress-Governed Fracture to Pressure-Induced Fragmentation in Cartilage Failure. 2021 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C2021).
  14. Chawla D, Han G, Eriten M, Henak CR: Effect Of Osmolarity On The Fracture Behavior Of Articular Cartilage. 67th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2021.
  15. Pernsteiner AN, Cameron EG, Winsor C, Henak CR, Ploeg H: Evaluation Of The Effects CT Scanner Model And Reconstruction Kernel On The CT Number Calibration. 67th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2021.
  16. Moskwa R, Chawla D, Henak CR, Ahmed A, Block W: Feasibility for MR elastography to meet unmet need in intracerebral hemorrhage surgical planning.  Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, April 2020.
  17. Grondin MM, Liu F, Faruqui S, Samsonov A, Li W, Henak CR, Kijowski R:  Correlation Between Single-Component and Bi-Component T2 Parameters and Proteoglycan Content and Mechanical Properties of Cartilage.  Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, April 2020.
  18. Han G, Eriten M, Henak CR: Relaxation degree is critical in rate-dependent cartilage failure at different degeneration phases. 66th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2020.
  19. Jambor AN, Shelton EM, Kijowski R, Henak CR, Campagnola PJ: Assessing trypsin and collagenase degradation as in vitro models for osteoarthritis via second harmonic generation microscopy.  66th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2020.
  20. Han G, Eriten M, Henak CR: Microscale mechanics in rate-dependent articular cartilage failure. ISB / ASB 2019.
  21. Muench JM, Thelen DG, Henak CR: Effect of aging on failure propagation in partially-cut tendon fascicles.  ISB / ASB 2019.
  22. Hwang J, Halanski MA, Lieferman EM, Henak CR:  Effect of growth rate on micro-architecture of trabecular bone beneath growth plate. 65th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2019.
  23. Vazquez KJ, Amundson LA, Crenshaw TD, Henak CR:  Effects of Organic Trace Mineral Recovery Diets on Mechanical Properties of Porcine Articular Cartilage. 65th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2019.
  24. Walsh SK, Arendt LA, Skala MC, Henak CR:  Mature Cartilage Undergoing Early Degradation Mimics Developmental Metabolism.  65th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2019.
  25. Han G, Boz U, Eriten M, Henak CR:  Strain- and proteoglycan-dependent energy dissipation in cartilage under high-frequency loading. 65th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2019.
  26. Han G, Eriten M, Henak CR:  Rate-dependent crack nucleation in cartilage is governed by poroviscoelastic relaxation. 65th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2019.
  27. Han G, Henak CR , Eriten M:  Effect of unloading rate on adhesion of cartilage. 65th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February 2019.
  28. Muench JR, Thelen DG, Henak CR: Tenocyte viability exhibits strain-dosage dependence in intact rat tail tendon fascicles.  BMES Annual Meeting, October 2019.
  29. Wesseling M, Van Rossom S, Jonkers I, Henak CR:  Subject-specific geometry and loading patterns affect acetabular contact pressure during gait.  8th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 2018.
  30. Winsor C, Qasim M, Zhang J, Li X, Szczykutowicx T, Henak CR, Pickhardt P, Ploeg H, Viceconti M:  Sensitivity analysis of density calibration phantom on finite element predicted femoral strength. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 2018.
  31. Walsh SK, Ciolko A, Skala MC, Henak CR:  Real-time evaluation of chondrocyte glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation.  64th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, March 2018.
  32. Vazquez KJ, Henak CR:  Effects of cyclic loading on articular cartilage structure.  64th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, March 2018.
  33. Han G, Henak CR, Eriten M:  Rate-dependent failure of cartilage using microindentation testing.  64th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, March 2018.
  34. Vazquez KJ, Henak CR:  Effects of freezing on mechanical properties of bovine, ovine, and porcine articular cartilage.  Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, June 2017
  35. Walsh SK, Schneider S, Neu CP, Henak CR:  Effects of age and mechanical loading on cartilage cell profile.  63rd Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, March 2017.
  36. Evans TV, Henak CR:  Cartilage tensile failure properties:  effects of zone and loading rate.  63rd Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, March 2017.
  37. Boys AJ, Henak CR, Cohen I, Estroff LA, Bonassar LJ:  High resolution strain mapping of the meniscal entheses.  62nd Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, March 2016.
  38. Henak CR, Bartell LR, Bonassar LJ, Cohen I:  Impact-induced fissuring in articular cartilage:  bulk and tissue-scale mechanics.  Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, June 2015.
  39. Henak CR, Bartell LR, Fortier LA, Cohen I, Bonassar LJ:  Impact-induced fissuring at high strain rates in adult equine hock cartilage.  61st Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, March, 2015.
  40. Henak CR, Archer SD:  A two-dimensional motion analysis laboratory for introductory courses in biomedical engineering.  BMES Annual Meeting, October 2014.
  41. Henak CR, Ross KA, Bartell LR, Prado MP, Fortier LA, Kennedy JG, Cohen I, Bonassar LJ:  Depth-dependent shear behavior of human ankle and knee cartilage:  implications for osteochondral transplant surgery.  7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 2014.
  42. Weiss JA, Anderson AE, Peters CL, Henak CR, Harris MD, Abraham CL, Kapron AL, Ellis BJ, Maas SA: Patient-specific analysis of hip chondrolabral mechanics:  studies of hip pathomorphology.  7th World Congress of Biomechanics, July 2014.
  43. Henak CR, Abraham CL, Anderson AE, Maas SA, Ellis BJ, Peters CL, Weiss JA:  Chondrolabral contact mechanics in human hips with acetabular dysplasia.  60th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, March, 2013.
  44. Henak CR, Ateshian GA, Weiss JA:  Finite element prediction of transchondral stress and strain in the human hip:  Effects of cartilage constitutive model.  60th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, March, 2013.
  45. Henak CR, Anderson AE, Harris MD, Carruth ED, Ellis BJ, Peters CL, Weiss JA:  Contact mechanics in normal, dysplastic and retroverted human hips.  BMES Annual Meeting, September 2013.
  46. Henak CR, Abraham CL, Anderson AE, Peters CL, Maas SA, Ellis BJ, Weiss JA:  Finite element predictions of joint contact mechanics and acetabular curvature in dysplastic human hips.  ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 2013.
  47. Henak CR, Carruth ED, Anderson AE, Harris MD, Ellis BJ, Peters CL, Weiss JA:  Finite element predictions of cartilage contact mechanics in hips with retroverted acetabula.  ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 2013.
  48. Henak CR, Kapron AL, Anderson AE, Ateshian GA, Ellis BJ, Maas SA, Weiss JA:  Effects of cartilage constitutive model on specimen-specific validation and predictions of cartilage mechanics in the human hip.  ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 2013.
  49. Henak CR, Abraham CL, Maas SA, Ellis BJ, Anderson AE, Peters CL, Weiss JA:  Joint contact mechanics and curvature in dysplastic human hips.  11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, April, 2013.
  50. Henak CR, Ateshian GA, Maas SA, Weiss JA:  Effects of constitutive model on specimen-specific predictions of cartilage mechanics in the human hip.  11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, April, 2013.
  51. Peters CL, Weiss JA, Harris MD, Henak CR, Kapron AL, Abraham CL, Anderson AE:  Patient specific computational modeling to facilitate our understanding of hip pathomorphology.  11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, April, 2013.
  52. Henak CR, Kapron AL, Ellis BJ, Anderson AE, Maas SA, Weiss JA:  Effect of cartilage constitutive model on specimen-specific human hip contact predictions.  59th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, January, 2013.
  53. Henak CR, Carruth ED, Harris MD, Ellis BJ, Anderson AE, Peters CL, Weiss JA:  Cartilage contact mechanics in hips with retroverted acetabula.  59th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, January, 2013.
  54. Henak CR, Kapron AL, Ellis BJ, Anderson AE, Weiss JA:  Validation of finite element models of the human hip:  effects of cartilage constitutive model.  21st Annual Pre-ORS, January, 2013.
  55. Henak CR, Weiss JA:  Regional hyperelastic properties of human hip cartilage.  ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June, 2012.
  56. Henak CR, Kapron AL, Ellis BJ, Anderson AE, Weiss JA:  Validation of subject-specific finite element models of the human hip.  58th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, February, 2012.
  57. Henak CR, Davis RS, Ellis BJ, Harris MD, Anderson AE, Peters CL, *Weiss JA:  Finite element predictions of labrum and cartilage mechanics in dysplastic hips.   ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June, 2011.
  58. Adams CR, Ellis BJ, Harris MD, Anderson AE, Peters CL, Weiss JA:  The acetabular labrum alters cartilage contact stresses and load transfer across the hip joint.   9th Symposium of Computational Methods in Biomechanics and Bioengineering, February, 2010.
  59. Adams CR, Ellis BJ, Harris MD, Anderson AE, Peters CL, Weiss JA:  Effect of the Acetabular Labrum on Cartilage Contact Stresses and Load Distribution in the Hip.   56th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, March, 2010.
  60. Adams CR, Baldwin MA, Farr J, Langenderfer JE, Laz PJ, Rullkoetter PJ:  Probabilistic, Patient-Specific Finite Element Simulation of Anterior-Medial Tibial Tuberosity Transfer.  54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, March, 2008.
  61. Baldwin MA, Clary CW, Barnes CM, Adams CR, Maletsky L, Rullkoetter PJ:  Verification of Predicted Specimen-Specific Natural and Implanted Patellofemoral Kinematics.  54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, March 2008.
  62. Baldwin MA, Langenderfer JE, Barnes CM, Adams CR, and Rullkoetter PJ:  Development of a Semi-Automated Method for Generation of Patient-Specific Hexahedral Articular Meshes from MRI.  54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, March 2008.
  63. Adams CR, Baldwin MA, Laz PJ, Rullkoetter PJ, Langenderfer JE:  Development of a computational model to study effects of rotator cuff tear size and location on muscle moment arms.  ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June, 2007.
  64. Adams CR, Baldwin MA, Laz PJ, Rullkoetter PJ, Langenderfer JE:  Effects of rotator cuff tear on muscle moment arms: a computational study.  53rd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, February, 2007.